Os edrych wnaf i'r dwyrain draw

(Crist yn rhagori ar ddeng mil)
Os edrych wnaf i'r dwyrain draw,
  Os edrych wnaf i'r de';
Yn mhlith a fu, neu ynte ddaw,
  Does debyg iddo 'Fe.

Ni fedda'i ar y ddaear fawr,
  Ni feddaf yn y ne';
Neb ag a bery'n anwyl im';
  Yn unig ond Efe.

Mae ynddo'i hunan drysor mwy,
  Nag fedd yr India lawn:
Fe brynodd i mi fwy na'r byd,
  Ar groesbren un prydnawn.

'Does genyf mwy ond Duw yn Dad,
  Yn erbyn pob rhyw wae;
'Does genyf ond ei gariad rhad,
  Yn sylfaen i barhau.

O na allwn rodio er ei glod,
  Ac iddo bellach fyw;
A phob anadliad fyn'd i maes
  I ganmol gras fy Nuw.

             - - - - -
(Crist yn well na phawb)
Os edrych wnaf i'r dwyrain draw,
  Os edrych wnaf i'r de';
Yn mhlith y fu, neu ynte ddaw,
  'Does debyg iddo fe.

Fe rodd ei ddwylaw pur ar led,
  Fe wisgodd goron ddrain,
Er mwyn i'r brwnt gael bod yn wyn
  Fel hyfryd liain main.

Esgynodd fry i entrych nef,
  I eiriol dros y gwan,
Ac yno gwrendy'n rhyfedd fwyn,
  Pan elo'n cwyn i'r lan.

Drachefn fe ddaw o'r nef ryw bryd,
  Pan elo'r byd ar dân,
A gweled gawn ei hyfryd wedd,
  Mil harddach nag o'r blaen.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Emmanuel/Ludwig (o Beethoven)
Savannah (<1875)
St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)

  Agorwyd pyrth y nefoedd wen
  'Dyw'n ofni'r bedd 'dwy'n ofni'r groes
  Mi dafla' 'maich oddi ar fy ngwar
  Na foed fy mywyd bellach mwy
  Pan byddo f'Arglwydd imi'n rhoi
  'Rwy'n ffrynd i'r bedd 'rwy'n ffrynd i'r groes

(Christ excelling ten thousand)
I look I do to the far east,
  If look I do to the south;
Amongst what was, or what is to come,
  There is nothing similar to Him.

I do not possess on the great earth,
  I do not possess in heaven;
Anyone who will continue dear to me;
  Except Him alone.

In him himself there is greater treasure,
  Than full India possesses:
He purchased for me more than the world,
  On the cross one afternoon.

I have henceforth none but God as Father,
  Against every kind of woe;
I have nothing but his free love,
  As a foundation to endure.

Oh, that I could walk for his praise,
  And to him henceforth live;
And every breath go out
  To sing praise to the grace of my God.

                  - - - - -
(Christ better than everyone)
I look I do to the far east,
  If look I do to the south;
Amongst what was, or what is to come,
  There is nothing similar to Him.

He put out his pure hands wide,
  He wore a crown of thorns,
For the sake of the filthy to get to be white
  Like delightful fine linen.

He ascended up to the vault of heaven,
  To intercede for the weak,
And there he will listen wonderfully tenderly,
  When our complaint goes up.

He will come again from heaven some time,
  When the world goes on fire,
And to see we shall get his delightful face,
  A thousand times more beautiful than before.
tr. 2015,16 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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